I’m going to join the 2014 Women reading challenge.

This challenge will make us want to read more books of any kind written by women, so choose whatever you like and get involved!
Set your level and, if you like, leave me a comment on this post listing your three favourite women writers, in order to suggest new names to other participants as well.
Here are mine (they are just the first ones coming to my mind):
* Simone De Beauvoir
* Fannie Flagg
* Joanne Harris


* anyone can join;
* you don’t need a blog to partecipate: if you are a non-blogger please leave a comment with a link (if you review elsewhere) to your review or with the list of the books you read and the level you choose;
* audio, e-books, bound books and re-reads are ok;
* create a sign up post on your blog and post the link in the Linky below (scroll down please, it’s at the end of the italian translation);
* challenge goes from January 1, 2014 to December 31, 2014;
* here you can link for your reviews.


Level 1: BABY GIRL – read 5 books written by a woman author
Level 2: GIRLS POWER – read 6 to 15 books written by a woman author
Level 3: SUPER GIRL – read 16 to 20 books written by a woman author
Level 4: WONDER WOMAN – read 20+ books written by a woman author
It’s never too late to join!

Have fun and good luck! 🙂

I read quite a lot of female authors already and I have more in my TBR.
This year I intend to read more from C. J. Cherryh, N. K. Jemisin, and Ursula LeGuin.
However, I’m going to be cautious and choose level 2: Girls Power.

1, Ursula LeGuin: The Planet of Exile
2, C. S. Friedman: Black Sun Rising
3, C. J. Cherryh: The Cuckoo’s Egg
4, Seanan McGuire: Discount Armageddon
5, Kris Nelscott: A Dangerous Road
6, Naomi Novik: Crucible of Gold
7, A. M. Dellamonica: Blue Magic
8, Kristine Kathryn Rusch: Five Diverse Detectives
9, Lois McMaster Bujold: Diplomatic Immunity
10, Elizabeth Bear: Carnival<
11, Elizabeth Bear: Scardown
12, Kerry Greenwood: Trick or Treat
13, Nancy Kress: Beggars in Spain
14, Elizabeth Bear: Worldwired
15, Seanan McGuire: The Winter Long
16, Carol Goodman: The Lake of Dead Languages
17, Donna Leon: Death in a Strange Country
18, Agatha Christie: A Pocket Full of Rye
19, Agatha Christie: The Body in the Library
20, Agatha Christie: 4:50 from Paddington
21, Cherie Priest: The Inexplicables