2024 reading challenges

The Worlds Without End site has this interesting reading challenge and I decided to join in.

TV tie-in reading challenge:

The TV Tie-In Reading Challenge is back for 2024. Read 4 or 8 books that are based on TV series. Star Trek, Babylon 5, Space 1999, Six Million Dollar Man – books can be from any TV series, past or present. Review you favorite and comment in the challenge forum.

Books read:

1, Mark A: Garland and Charles G. McGraw: Star Trek: Voyager: Ghost of a Chance

Highlander: White Silence

In this post, I’ll track the books, novellas, and comic books I’ve read and reviewed this year.


Mount TBR (12) 5

Action heroine (7) 3

TV-tie-in reading challenge (4)


1, Tracey Deonn: Bloodmarked (action)

2, Karen A. Wyle: Far From Mortal Realms


3, Luke Richardson, Ernest Dempsey: The Paris Heist

4, Crystal Sarakas and Rhondi Salsitz ed.: Shattering the Glass Slipper (tbr)


5, Mary Robinette Kowal: Word Puppets

6, Steven Moore and Luke Richardson: Set Him Free

7,Kristine Kathryn Rusch, Dean Wesley Smith: Crimes Collide vol. 1 (tbr)

8, Eluki bes Shahar: X-Men: Smoke and Mirrors

9, Dean Wesley Smith: Ball of Confusion (tbr)

10, Luke Richarson: Koh Tao


11, Nancy Holder: Queen of the Slayers (tbr, action)

12, Alex White: The Worst of All Possible Worlds (action)

13, Kristine Kathryn Rusch: G-Men

14, Neve Masklakovic: The Far Time Incident

15, Kristine Kathryn Rusch: The Gallery of His Dreams

16, Elizabeth Peters: Die For Love (tbr)


17, Dave Duncan: Ironfoot

18, Mark A: Garland and Charles G. McGraw: Star Trek: Voyager: Ghost of a Chance (tv)


Once again, I’m trying to lower my many TBR piles and I’m joining Mount TBR challenge. My goal is 12 books or Peake’s Peak.

Mount TBR 2024 challenge post.

Books read

1, Crystal Sarakas and Rhondi Salsitz ed.: Shattering the Glass Slipper

2, Kristine Kathryn Rusch, Dean Wesley Smith: Crimes Collide vol. 1

3, Dean Wesley Smith: Ball of Confusion

4, Nancy Holder: Queen of the Slayers

5, Elizabeth Peters: Die For Love
