Yesterday, the Broke and the Bookish blog had a short bookish survey and it sounded like fun, so here goes:

1. The book I’m currently reading: A Time to Heal by David Mack. It’s the penultimate book in the Star Trek: TNG series and I am going to finish the series. They’ve been sadly depressing and so somewhat not Star Trek like. I’m also listening Carolyn Crane’s Head Rush which is the final book in the trilogy. I really enjoyed the series and so far I’m really enjoying this one, too.

2. The last book I finished: Eric by Terry Pratchett. Unfortunately, it was a Rincewind book and I don’t really care for Rincewind. Otherwise it was pretty funny. For some reason I got it mixed with Mort so I was a bit surprised that Death didn’t have a bigger role.

3. The next book I want to read: I have so many of these. Maybe Difference Engine and then more Pratchett.

4. The last book I bought: I bought three books, actually: London under by Peter Ackroyd (about London’s early history and the places underneat the current city), Regenesis by Cherryh, and a short story collection about Finland’s history.

5. The last book I was given: I think it was a Christmas present. Sarasvatin hiekkaa by Risto Isomäki. It’s a Finnish science fiction book and it was pretty good.