SciFiMonth 2022 starts today! imyril from 2022 and Lisa at are hosting the event.

It’s the most speculative time of the year – SciFiMonth lifts off today for a month exploring the realms of what if. The SciFiMonth crew will be adventuring across the multiverse to read, watch, play, and celebrate tales of possible futures and alternate nows, survive first contact or enjoy being part of a thriving galactic community. Expect 30 days of chat and geekery – you’re welcome to join us!

I have lots and lots of books I’d like to read but knowing that I don’t have that much time to read I have a more modest TBR for November:


I’ve heard a lot of good things about this book and I’m finally taking to plunge to try Tchaikovsky’s work.


It’s the sixth book in the Expanse series. I’ve mostly enjoyed the books and it’s time to return to this world.


This is a collection of SF stories from Rusch and Smith. Ten stories from both. I love Rusch’s writing so I’m eager to dive into this one.


I bought this SF book together with Tchaikovsky’s in an Audible sale and I’m curious to sample Ledbetter’s writing.

Some months back, I bought all of the Valerian and Laureline comics from a Humble Bundle sale, so I need to reread them. I read them for the first time when I was quite young but I’m hoping the quality will hold up. Hopefully, I’ll have time to read and review some of them.

Happy reading, gaming, and watching!