Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish and is now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. Today, the topic is a freebie .

I chose favorite media tie-in books.

I love a lot of science fiction and fantasy stuff: Star Trek, Star Wars, Marvel and DC comics, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, various roleplaying settings etc. I’ve read quite a lot of books from them, most from Trek and Wars but also from others. However, the quality of the books varies quite a lot. So, I’ve listed my favorites from various fandoms.

1, Star Wars: Thrawn trilogy by Timothy Zahn
The first SW books I really enjoyed a lot were Zahn’s Thrawn trilogy: Heir to the Empire, Dark Force Rising, and the Last Command. He managed to capture the fun and adventure of Star Wars pretty much perfectly.
I haven’t yet read the new Thrawn book, but I’ve heard good things about it and hopefully I’ll get my hands on it next year.

2, Star Trek: TNG: Dark Mirror by Diane Duane
I’ve read a lot of Star Trek: TNG books but the one that really stands out is Dark Mirror which is set in the Mirror universe. It was written 1993, years before Deep Space 9. In this book Enterprise-D is sucked into the Mirror universe and our beloved characters try to survive while the explore this ruthless new universe.

3, Buffy the vampire slayer: Lost Slayer by Christopher Golden
It’s always a joy to return to the Buffyverse. This is an alternate universe where Buffy is sent five years to the future at the beginning of season four. She’s been away and her friends have had to battle vampires on their own.

4, Star Trek: DS9: Day of the Vipers by James Swallow
I haven’t actually read many DS9 books but what I’ve read I’ve enjoyed. Especially the Terok Nor -trilogy which is the history of the DS9 station before the show. It was built by the Cardassians who called it Terok Nor.

5, Forgotten Realms: Songs and Swords series by Elaine Cunningham
I’ve read a lot of FR books because I’ve been a pen and paper gamer for a couple of decades. The best of them is Cunningham’s series starting with Elfshadow, although the second book in the series, Elfsong, is my favorite.

6, Flash tv-show: the Haunting of Barry Allen by Clay and Susan Griffith
I love the Flash and this book captures the spirit of the show and especially the relationships between the main cast. The story is fast-paced and has humor, just like the show. It’s a crossover with Arrow.

7, Arrow tv-show: Generation of Vipers by Clay and Susan Griffith
I’ve enjoyed the Arrow show over the years and this second book in the Flash/Arrow crossover duology captures the spirit of the show very well. It focuses on the Arrow team and only Barry and Cisco from the Flash make a significant appearance.

8, Dragonlance: Dragons of Autumn Twilight by Margaret Weis and Tracey Hickman
One of the first overtly fantasy books I’ve read. It’s the first book in the original Dragonlance trilogy set in a roleplaying gaming setting. A group of friends and acquaintances take on an epic quest. I think younger readers are likely to like it more.

9, Star Trek: Titan: Taking Wing by Michael A. Martin and Andy Mangels
I’ve read the first four books in this series and enjoyed them. This series focuses on USS Titan where William Riker is the captain and his wife Deanna Troi is the counselor. It has a multi-species crew in a way that the tv-shows never could do.

10, Babylon 5: The Psi Corps trilogy by Gregory J. Keyes
“Dark Genesis: The birth of Psi Corps”, “Deadly Relations: Bester Ascendant”, and “Final Reckoning: the Fate of Bester” tells the story of Alfred Bester; his rise among the Earth’s Psi Corps all the way to his fate several years after the show.

There are many tie-in novels I’d love to read, such as Richard Castle’s Nikki Heat books (which he’s writing in the show!), and newer Star Trek and Star Wars novels. I’ve also got high hopes for the upcoming Firefly books.