Booking Through Thursday

Book Gluttony! Are your eyes bigger than your book belly? Do you have a habit of buying up books far quicker than you could possibly read them? Have you had to curb your book buying habits until you can catch up with yourself? Or are you a controlled buyer, only purchasing books when you have run out of things to read?

Yes, I have a bad habit of getting more books than I have the time to read. Some of them I get through BookMooch and during various sales at (when they kindly allow us foreigners to buy their ebooks), though, so I don’t spend as much money on books as I used to.

In recent years I’ve tried to curb by buying because my income has decreased (or rather it has stayed the same while food and rent gets pricier every year) and because I really do have books in my to-read-pile which I’d very much like to read.

But then the next Fictionwise sale rolls along… (Currently, they have their Anniversary sale going on.)