Booking Through Thursday

Suggested by John :
How about a chance to play editor-in-chief? Fill in the blanks:
__________ would have been a much better book if ______________________.

I was a bit expecting for “Who is your favorite supporting character” but instead we get to sound uppity and opinionated. 🙂 Once again I can’t limit this to just one.

While I do somewhat agree with Melody and various others with similar opinion, I do think that some tweaking would have made some books better, at least to me.

The Amber cycle would have been much better (not to mention thicker :)) if the sisters had had a shot at the thrown, too.
Ekeke’s Star Brigade would have been a much better book if it had had an actual editor.
Peters’ Curse of the Pharaohs would have been a much better book if it hadn’t had the mandatory start of a romance.

I’d better stop now. 🙂